Here’s the story on Judd (formerly Mudd). He is an 8 month old Great Dane puppy that we transferred into our care from one of our partner shelters after animal control seized him as a cruelty case. We don’t have any specific details about his case beyond that. But upon arrival at the SPCA, he weighed just 35 lbs. A dog his age and breed should weigh about 100 lbs. That’s a body condition score of 1/9, which is the lowest possible score an animal can have and still be alive. All his bones were showing through his skin, lots of his fur was missing, and he was clearly heavily malnourished. But from day one, he has been an absolute love bug. You would never know people had done him wrong if it weren’t for his physical condition. He’s playful, cuddly, energetic even! And he likes being held like a baby, which is my favorite thing ever.
Judd has been staying in a foster home for 2 weeks now, receiving medicine to help him stay healthy as he puts weight back on, and he’s getting a special diet to restore his system. His fosters absolutely love him and rave about what a good boy he is. He came to the SPCA today for his first weight recheck, and he came in style. He pulled up in the backseat of a lifted top-down jeep, looking like the coolest dog in town, and absolutely loving the beautiful weather. (Don’t worry, he was safely secured in the car!) AND, I almost can’t believe it, Judd has already gained TWENTY POUNDS. His condition is so much better already, his body is filling out, and his fur is starting to grow back in! He now weighs 57 lbs, so he’s on the right track to becoming a healthy boy again.
Judd is going to continue to need lots of veterinary care, special food, and medical rechecks over the coming weeks to make sure he is gaining (and keeping) both weight and muscle mass as he recovers from his ordeal. But he already has an adoption pending, so before long, he’s going to get the life he should’ve had all along. No more food insecurity, only lots and LOTS of love ❤

Donate to Help His Care Here!
SPCA of Wake County
200 Petfinder Lane | Raleigh, NC | 27603
(919) 772-2326 |